Discussion on Rubber Bands vs. Springs
The following meeting group come up with a problem that rubber bands don't follow hookes law which means that the force that produce is not directly proportional to the stretch it displacement put on them. So group come up with an idea to replace the rubber bands to springs. The springs do follow hooks law and, therefore, are more predictable. Also, rubber bands produce more force when they are charged and discharged instantaneously, whereas springs can hold their energy for longer without it dissipating.
However, the group decided to use springs instead of rubber bands and the other part of the body will use lego parts and an xl motor. As a result of all this change the group budget has reduced to 30 dollars. Also, the group has to draw a figure that more likely looks like a future project.
In conclusion, over the weekend group planning to visit a lego store and but all the parts that are required for the project and work on designing. The next step it to decide how much power our prototype needs, but it hard to say until we don't have a model done.
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